Chinese Taxpayers Association



1、澳大利亚纳税人组织:6月9日澳大利亚纳税人组织负责人布莱恩•马洛致中国(华夏)纳税人协会联盟主席刘凤江的一封信——“超市的货架空空如也,食品杂货的价格疯狂上涨,成千上万的人失业:这是一幅经济毁灭的画面,但如果澳大利亚不迅速削减对卡车司机的灾难性税收,这一切很快就会成为现实。当斯科特•莫里森(Scott Morrison)政府宣布将把燃油附加税减半,直到9月份时,我们认为这并不完美,但这是...


让中国纳税人事业永不停歇!      2022 年春节,中国因冬奥会再次引起世界瞩目的档口,我们想起了那些不该遗忘的奋斗历程:那就是中国纳税人事业到底如何起步又是如何融入世界的!      2005 年 4 月 21 日,中国税务报、内蒙古自治区纳税人协会和北京国际税收研究会共同主办的全国首届《纳税人服务与纳税人权益高层论坛》在北京成功举办。      在参加会议代表的发言中,原内蒙古自治区...

来自世界纳税人协会的信息资料德国:取消“团结税”预防“凯撒·威廉综合症” In 1991 to financethe rebuilding of the East German Landers a solidaritytax (Soli) was introduced. Three decades later the tax is still in place. Sincelast year...

来自世界纳税人协会的信息资料公共债务:法国人的定时炸弹 ContribuablesAssocies (the French Taxpayers Association) has just launched a new report onFrance’s Public Debt. According to the report, France is Europe’s champion inte...

来自世界纳税人协会的信息资料加拿大:泰迪政府浪费奖CANADA: Teddy Awards for Government WasteThe CanadianTaxpayers Federation held its 23rd annual Teddy Waste Awards ceremony in aspecial virtual presentation, celebrating the...

来自新西兰纳税人联合会的信息资料 新西兰政府拨款1700万美元用艺术疗法抗击冠状病毒Iwish we were joking. Minister Carmel Sepuloni is spending $17 million on"creative spaces" for "marginalised" New Zealanders to"build up their confidence a...

来自澳大利亚纳税人联盟的信息资料伪造疫苗证书不足为奇 It didn’t come asa shock to staff at the Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance to hear that fraudulentdocuments purporting to be Australian government-issued vaccinationcertific...

【走出去税收】美国实行“全面提升客户体验”的税收征管改革中国税务报2021年08月11日        作者:余菁 谢宗炜 张丹 刘茵莹不久前,美国国内收入局(IRS)向国会提交了《纳税人优先法案报告》(Taxpayer First Act Report),提出了“三大战略”建议方案,即《纳税人体验战略》《培训战略》和《机构重组战略》,实行新一轮税收征管改革。按原计划,IRS本应于2020年...

来自美国税制改革组织的信息资料加密货币的征税困境The fight over the cryptocurrency tax reporting provision in thebipartisan infrastructure bill just got a lot more interesting. 关于两党基础设施建设法案中加密货币纳税申报条款的争议变得愈发有趣。 As currentl...

来自美国税收基金会的信息资料欧洲的啤酒税Thisis the beginning of a map series in which we’ll explore different types ofexcise taxes throughout Europe, starting with excise duties on beer.本文采用税收地图的形式,从啤酒消费税入手,探究欧洲不同类型的消...

来自新西兰纳税人联合会的信息资料新西兰储备银行斥资近40万美元买下森林之神艺术品 The Reserve Bankspent $373,739 on artwork in its lobby promoting its new 'Tāne Mahuta'narrative, reveals an official information response released to the Ne...

来自加拿大纳税人联盟的信息资料加拿大联邦政府2070年才能实现预算平衡  TheCanadian Taxpayers Federation is calling on federal politicians to focus onsaving taxpayers’ money in light of Parliamentary Budget Officer data thatpredicts...

来自新西兰纳税人联合会的信息资料        2021年新西兰房产税纳税人报告 NewZealand Taxpayers' Union has just released the 2021 edition of Ratepayers'Report. Ratepayers' Report ranks local councils for metrics including averagere...

来自澳大利亚纳税人联盟的信息资料         糖税留下的是酸味TheAustralian Taxpayer’s Alliance (ATA) condemns the Australian MedicalAssociation’s (AMA) push for a tax on sugary drinks. 澳大利亚纳税人联盟(ATA)谴责澳大利亚医药协会(AMA)在对含糖饮料征税中推波...

来自英国纳税人联盟的信息资料      “红墙”地区市政税比伦敦自治市更高 Asreported on GB News this morning, the TaxPayers' Alliance (TPA) has todayreleased a council-by-council breakdown showing that some less affluent areasface a ...

来自新西兰纳税人联盟的信息资料心理健康:投资的19亿美元去哪儿了? Rememberthe "Wellbeing Budget"? In 2019, Jacinda Ardern made a huge splash ininternational media with her $1.9 billion investment announcement in mentalhealth.还记得“...

来自美国税收基金会的信息资料新版全球税收协定Inrecent years, countries have been debating significant changes to internationaltax rules that apply to multinational companies. This week there was abreakthrough in discussi...

来自新西兰纳税人联盟的信息资料汽车税名为税收中性实为抢钱行径Thesheer scale and cost of Labour’s ‘clean car rebate’ Car Tax has been revealedwith official advice to Ministers suggesting that some 100,000 car owners arelikely to ...

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