Chinese Taxpayers Association

来自世界纳税人协会的信息资料    德国:取消“团结税”预防“凯撒·威廉综合症”





In 1991 to financethe rebuilding of the East German Landers a solidaritytax (Soli) was introduced. Three decades later the tax is still in place. Sincelast year not a single Euro from the Soli tax has been spent on the rebuildingof the East.

1991年,政府为了资助东德各州的重建,引入了团结税(solidarity tax)。三十年后,团结税仍在征收。但自去年以来,该税没有分文用于东部地区重建。

And even though atax reform implemented in 2021 reduced the number of people eligible for payingthe tax, the Finance Minister, Olaf Scholl, is not even considering abolishingthe tax.

尽管2021年的税制改革已减少该税种的应纳税人数,但财政部长奥拉夫·肖勒(Olaf Scholl)仍未考虑废除团结税。

Meanwhile,the tax is collecting more than EUR 10 billion annually. The purpose for whichthe tax was created no longer exists, but the tax remains. This type of taxshould be called the “Kaiser Wilhelm Syndrome ”, in honor of the German emperorwho in 1902 to finance the imperial fleet introduced a sparkling wine tax, taxstill applies today.

同时,该税种年征税额已超过100亿欧元。设立团结税的目的已不复存在,但该税却依然存在。这类税应被称为 “凯撒·威廉综合症”,以纪念1902年为资助帝国舰队而开征起泡酒税的德皇凯撒·威廉。至今,起泡酒税仍然适用。

The GermanTaxpayers Association (BdSt) is currently carrying out a lawsuit at Germany’sConstitutional Court against the continued levy of the Soli to completelyabolish the tax.

德国纳税人协会(GermanTaxpayers Association)反对继续征收团结税,目前正向德国联邦宪法法院起诉要求彻底废除该税种。
