Chinese Taxpayers Association

来自澳大利亚纳税人联盟的信息资料  伪造疫苗证书不足为奇

来源:来自澳大利亚纳税人联盟的信息资料  伪造疫苗证书不足为奇




It didn’t come asa shock to staff at the Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance to hear that fraudulentdocuments purporting to be Australian government-issued vaccinationcertificates were available for roughly the same price as a black-market cartonof cigarettes.

近日澳大利亚纳税人联盟(AustralianTaxpayers’ Alliance)的工作人员听闻,伪造澳大利亚政府颁发的疫苗接种证书的价格与黑市上一条香烟的价格大致相同,对此并未感到震惊。

“Any timethe government thinks it’s creating rules, all it’s doing is increasing theincentives for people to break them,” said Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance ChiefOperating Officer Gabe Buckley. “The more the government attempts to coercesociety with vaccine passports and the like, the more attractive alternativesto compliance become.”

澳大利亚纳税人联盟首席运营官加布·巴克利(Gabe Buckley)说:“每当政府认为自己在制定规则时,其实只是强化了人们打破规则的动机。政府越是试图用疫苗护照等强制管理社会,规则遵从的替代方案就越有吸引力。"

“We have atextbook example of the phenomenon in action with Australia’s tobacco laws.The more the difficult the government makes it to purchase legitimatecigarettes, the greater the volume of blackmarket tobacco flooding themarket.” Mr Buckley - a former Information Technology consultant - went on toexplain that such legislation, often drafted in a rush generates a flurry ofactivity aimed at exploiting weaknesses in the technological solutions proposedby governments sorely lacking in technical competence. “We’ve seen it withevery contact tracing application that governments release. They aredisassembled with the source code available online within hours.

“澳大利亚的烟草法,就是一个教科书式的案例。政府越是提高购买合法香烟的难度,涌入市场的黑市香烟数量就越多。”前信息顾问巴克利先生(Mr Buckley)接着解释说,这类法律往往是政府匆忙中起草的,这种由极其缺乏技术竞争力的政府提出的技术解决方案,往往会引发一系列利用技术方案漏洞的社会活动。"我们已经看到,政府发布的每个接触者追踪应用程序,都可以在几小时内通过在线获取的源代码破解。”

The ATA’s ChiefEconomist Dr John Humphreys explained that the potential for an increase incriminal activity was a wellunderstood phenomenon in economics. “Perverseincentives and the potential for unintended consequences have been understoodfor quite some time. Economics is the study of human decisionmaking,government appears to be resistant to the idea that humans even makedecisions.”


The over-relianceon technological solutions, and the increasing tendency to co-opt business intoits enforcement regimes also poses specific problems for legislators. “Thelevel of technological skill required to adequately secure a digital resourcesuch as vaccine certificates is simply beyond the comprehension of most people,there is no such thing as an un-hackable system” Mr Buckley said.

