来自新西兰纳税人联合会的信息资料 2021年新西兰房产税纳税人报告5
来源:来自新西兰纳税人联合会的信息资料 来自新西兰纳税人联合会的信息资料
NewZealand Taxpayers' Union has just released the 2021 edition of Ratepayers'Report. Ratepayers' Report ranks local councils for metrics including averageresidential rates, liabilities, staffing costs, and more. 新西兰纳税人联合会发布了2021年房产税纳税人报告。报告按各地议会的住宅房产税均值、债务、人力成本等指标进行了排名。
Thedata reflects the most up to date, recent council fiscal year the 12 monthsto 30 June 2020. That means it reflects the first three months of COVID-19'sarrival in New Zealand. 报告反映了截至2020年6月30日议会上一财年的最新情况,包括新冠疫情在新西兰爆发后第一季度的数据。
Byusing per-household and per-ratepayer data, the Report allows forapples-to-apples comparisons between councils, so no-one can credibly claimcherry-picking or a political agenda. 该报告通过分析每个家庭和房产税纳税人的数据,对各地议会进行了横向比较,绝不存在以偏概全或政治目的。
Keyfindings: 主要发现:
Ratesare still on the rise. The average council has increased their rates by $111,with the average residential rate nationwide now $2,572. 房产税仍在上升。各地议会将房产税平均上调111美元,导致目前全国住宅房产税均值涨至2572美元。
Rates:Carterton District Council once again ranks highest for average residentialrates at $3,639, just ahead of Auckland Council at $3,599. The lowest averageresidential rates in New Zealand is Buller District Council ($1,815). 房产税:卡特顿(Carterton)区议会因住宅房产税均值全国最高(3639美元),再次位列排行榜第一名,略高于奥克兰(Auckland)议会(3599美元)。新西兰住宅房产税均值最低的是布勒(Buller)区议会(1815美元)。
Liabilities:Christchurch City Council continues to have the highest liabilities (debt) perhousehold compared to any other council ($30,096). Auckland Council follows insecond place, with liabilities per household of $29,611. Central Otago DistrictCouncil has the country's lowest liabilities per household – $527. 负债:克莱斯特彻奇(Christchurch)市议会家庭负债(债务)水平仍居全国首位(30096美元)。奥克兰议会排名第二,每户平均负债为29611美元。中部奥塔哥(Central Otago)区议会的家庭负债水平全国最低,为527美元。
Staffingefficiency: Waitomo District Council (including its CCOs) has the highestnumber of staff on a per-household basis – a staff member for every 20households. In contrast, Thames-Coromandel District Council serves 122households for each of its staff members. 人力资源效率:怀托莫(Waitomo)区议会(包括其首席合规官)的单户服务人员数全国最高,相当于每个员工仅服务20个家庭。相比之下,泰晤士-科罗曼德尔(Thames-Coromandel)区议会1名员工服务于122个家庭。
Salaries:Auckland Council and its CCOs pays 3,161 staff salaries greater than $100,000 –an increase of 330 people from 2020. Meanwhile, Otorohanga and RangitikeiDistrict Councils each pay just five staff salaries greater than $100,000. 薪酬:奥克兰议会及其首席合规官上一财年发放的工资中,有3161人年薪高于100000美元,相比2020年增加了330人。与此同时,奥托罗杭阿和朗基蒂凯(Otorohanga andRangitikei)区议会每年仅有5人薪酬高于100000美元。
Fiscalsafeguards: Only four councils meet the full criteria for prudent Audit andRisk Committees: Dunedin, Kawerau, Marlborough and Porirua. 财政保障:全国仅有4个议会符合审计和风险管理委员会的审慎标准,分别是:达尼丁(Dunedin)、卡韦劳(Kawerau)、马尔堡(Marlborough)和波里鲁阿(Marlborough)。
来源:新西兰纳税人联合会邮件通讯稿。 |