来自澳大利亚纳税人联盟的信息资料 糖税留下的是酸味23
来源:来自澳大利亚纳税人联盟的信息资料 来自澳大利亚纳税人联盟的信息资料 糖税留下的是酸味 TheAustralian Taxpayer’s Alliance (ATA) condemns the Australian MedicalAssociation’s (AMA) push for a tax on sugary drinks. 澳大利亚纳税人联盟(ATA)谴责澳大利亚医药协会(AMA)在对含糖饮料征税中推波助澜。
“This tax is nothing more than a revenueraising exercise beingpushed by bitter bureaucratic busybodies who should let Australians enjoythings for once.” said Brian Marlow, President of the ATA. 澳大利亚纳税人联盟主席布莱恩·马洛(Brian Marlow)说:“糖税不过是刻薄的官僚主义好事者推动的又一个增收项目,他们应让澳大利亚民众享受一次生活。”
“Time and time again we’ve seen how sin taxes like this fail whereverthey’ve been implemented, yet the AMA seems to want to push these tired, brokentax models here in Australia. “我们多次看到类似的恶税无论在哪里实施都失败了,而澳大利亚医药协会却好像要在澳大利亚推动这种老生常谈、问题百出的税收模式。”
“The implementation of a sugar tax in Mexico led to people eatingmore chocolate and sweets. What’s worse, a sixmonth experiment conducted byresearchers at Cornell University found that when an American city faced a 10per cent tax on calorie-rich products, the tax led to an increase in thepurchase of beer! “墨西哥实施糖税导致民众对巧克力和糖果的食用量反而增加了。更糟糕的是,康奈尔大学(Cornell University)研究人员在一项为期六个月的实验中发现,当一个美国城市对高热量食品征税10%,该税收竟导致啤酒购买量增加了!”
“Australians have gone lockdown after lockdown with gross negligencefrom some state Governments. Businesses continue to face challenges whilefrontline GPs wait to get vaccinated. It is hard to comprehend the AMA’s logicin choosing to prioritise a tax that will do more harm than good in a climatewhere their key stakeholders and our frontline health professionals are yet tobe immunized. “由于某些州政府的严重疏忽,澳大利亚一次又一次地封锁边境。在一线医生等待接种疫苗的同时,企业仍面临严峻挑战。医药协会在他们的主要利益相关方和我们一线医护人员尚未接种疫苗的情况下,却选择优先推动一种弊大于利的税收,其中的逻辑实在让人费解。”
“The AMA estimates that the proposed tax would generate close to $1bn per year and we are concerned that this tax would disproportionately hitlow-income earners.” said Mr Marlow. 马洛先生表示:“澳大利亚医药协会预计,拟征的糖税每年将产生近10亿美元的收入,我们却担心这项税收会对低收入群体造成不成比例的打击。”
Wewill continue to advocate against this tax and will work to ensure Australianever sees such regressive and ineffective policy. 我们将继续反对征收糖税,并将努力确保澳大利亚不会出现这种倒退、无效的税收政策。
来源:http://www.taxpayers.org.au/media-releases/release-sugar-tax-leaves-sour-taste |