来自新西兰纳税人联盟的信息资料 汽车税名为税收中性实为抢钱行径4
来源:来自新西兰纳税人联盟的信息资料 来自新西兰纳税人联盟的信息资料 汽车税名为税收中性实为抢钱行径 Thesheer scale and cost of Labour’s ‘clean car rebate’ Car Tax has been revealedwith official advice to Ministers suggesting that some 100,000 car owners arelikely to be affected next year alone. 近日工党向部长们正式递交了含“新能源汽车退税”政策的汽车税议案,根据披露的庞大规模与成本预计,仅明年就有10万余车主将受此影响。
Inaddition, the Government is projected to rake in hundreds of millions ofdollars more from the Car Tax than it will pay back in rebates. There aresimply not enough electric vehicles available – now and in the foreseeablefuture – to make this a revenue-neutral policy as Ministers have claimed. 此外,扣除退税后,预计政府将从汽车税中获得数亿美元的收入。不过,无论是现在还是可预见的未来,电动汽车的数量根本不足以使汽车税成为部长们声称的中性税收。
Ofcourse, the elephant in the room is that this policy does nothing for theenvironment because transport is already covered by our Emissions TradingScheme. That means any emissions saved by the move to electric cars are simplymade available for cheaper emissions elsewhere under the ETS 'cap and trade'framework. As we've said all along: what is really promoting this is the boostto the Government coffers. 众所周知,这项政策对环境保护毫无益处,因为碳排放交易方案已覆盖了交通领域,但部长们选择视而不见。这意味着,在“碳排放总量管制和交易”制度(the ETS 'cap and trade' framework)下,通过鼓励发展电动汽车而减少的碳排放量,只是降低了其他地方的碳排放成本。正如我们一直所说:推动这项政策的真实原因是要充实国库。
Andnow Ministers want IRD to chase farm and tradie utes! 现在部长们又希望税务局(IRD)追踪农场和零售商人货运卡车纳税情况! 图示:政府为何厌恶双排座卡车车主? Documents released under the OfficialInformation Act show Revenue Minister David Parker is talking to IRD officialsabout cracking down on how utes are taxed due to what they say is a“proliferation” of double-cab utes. 根据《官方信息法案》发布的文件显示,税务部长(Revenue Minister)大卫·帕克(David Parker)和税务官员们认为双排座卡车"泛滥",正在讨论如何通过税收大力整顿。
Thisis yet another tax grab on kiwi farmers and tradies. 这是对新西兰农民和零售商的又一次税收掠夺。
Thereason the FBT is so complex is that it’s hard to distinguish betweenprofessional and personal use when it comes to work on the farm – something the9 to 5 governmental bureaucracy doesn’t seem to understand. Even IRDacknowledges that chasing down those who are abusing the exemption is futilebecause of the little funding it would bring in. 附加福利税(FBT)之所以如此复杂,是因为农场工作中很难区分工作用途和私人用途,但朝九晚五的政府官僚机构似乎并不了解这些。甚至税务局也承认,追踪寻找滥用双排座卡车免税权的工作增收有限,徒劳无功。
Themessage couldn’t be clearer: if you own a double-cab ute, this Government iscoming for your wallet. Be damned that these measures hit hardest those who arethe working backbone of our economy. 这传达的信息已非常清楚:如果你拥有一辆双排座卡车,新西兰政府就会向你的钱包下手。意想不到的是,受这一政策打击最大的竟是我们经济领域的骨干力量。
来源:New Zealand Taxpayers' Union Email Newsletter 新西兰纳税人联盟电子邮件通讯稿