来自澳大利亚纳税人联盟的信息资料 澳大利亚纳税人联盟 指出退休金因附加税减少25%9
来自澳大利亚纳税人联盟的信息资料 澳大利亚纳税人联盟 指出退休金因附加税减少25% TheAustralian Taxpayers’ Alliance (ATA), the nation’s largest grassroots advocacygroup representing taxpayers today published a policy briefing on thesuperannuation in the lead up to the superannuation guarantee increase on 1July 2021. The briefing compares the impact cutting taxes on superannuationsavings would have on retirement earnings with the impact the planned 12 percent compulsory superannuation guarantee will have. 澳大利亚纳税人联盟(ATA)是全国规模最大的纳税人权益保护基层组织。针对养老保障金缴费比例将于2021年7月1日上调,该组织今日发布了一份养老金政策简报。简报对比分析了削减养老金储蓄税和按计划实施12%的养老保障金强制缴费比例对退休金带来的影响。
Thebriefing tells us: 简报指出:
Thetax on contributions severely impacts a person’s ability to retire comfortably.Without the tax on contributions, a worker would be able to retire on 63 percent of their working income as opposed to 54 per cent. 养老金供款税严重影响了民众退休生活的舒适度。如果没有养老金供款税,劳动者退休金将达到劳动所得的63%,而不是现在的54%。
Eventhough Australians do not pay the full capital gains tax rate on the earningsfrom their superannuation funds, the 15 per cent tax on interest along withhigh returning superfunds and compound interest over a lifetime add up. Withoutthe tax on earnings, a worker would be able to retire on 61 per cent of theirworking income. 尽管澳大利亚国民不必为养老基金收益所得全额缴纳资本利得税,但为高收益养老基金缴纳的15%利息税及终身复利会积少成多。如果没有各种收益税,劳动者的退休金将达到劳动所得的61%。
Withouttax on superannuation, Australians would take home close to 73 per cent oftheir working income. However, as a result of taxes and multiple levels ofsuperannuation, individuals must instead live on 54 per cent of their workingincome. 如果政府不对养老金征税,澳大利亚国民的税后收入将占其劳动所得的73%。然而,由于税收和多层次的养老金制度,个人只能靠劳动所得的54%过活。
Taxeson superannuation cost Australians approximately one-quarter of theirretirement income. 各类养老金税约占澳大利亚国民退休金的四分之一。
Anaverage Australian with an income $65,000 who starts saving at 25 will have aretirement income of $28,300 per year. Without tax the same person would have$37,800 per year on which to retire. 年收入为65,000美元的普通澳大利亚国民,如果从25岁开始存养老金,年退休金将是28,300美元;如果不用交税,其年退休金将达到37800美元。
来源; http://www.taxpayers.org.au/media-releases/release-ata-finds-super-taxes-take-25-of-retirement-income