来自新西兰纳税人联合会的信息资料 政府新政赢得赞誉4
来源:来自新西兰纳税人联合会的信息资料 政府新政赢得赞誉 来自新西兰纳税人联合会的信息资料 政府新政赢得赞誉
Afew journalists were surprised this week to see us commending a governmentpolicy: Chris Hipkins is freezing pay for high-earning public servants. 本周,一些记者惊讶地发现,我们在称赞政府的新政:克里斯·希普金斯(Chris Hipkins)宣布冻结高收入公务员的薪酬。
Wehave long campaigned for restraint of public sector pay: 长期以来,我们一直在呼吁限制公共部门的薪酬水平:
In2018 a Taxpayers’ Union research paper revealed that public servants earn, onaverage, a third more than private sector workers. 2018年,新西兰纳税人联合会的一篇研究报告指出,公务员的平均薪酬比私营部门员工高三分之一。
In2019, the Union published the ‘Rich List’ of highest-earning public sectorCEOs. 2019年,联合会发布了公共部门高收入负责人的“富豪榜”。
In2020, the Union launched a campaign for temporary public sector pay cuts inresponse to COVID-19. The campaign was successful. 2020年,联合会发起了一项运动,呼吁公共部门临时降薪以应对新冠疫情带来的困难,取得了圆满成功。
Notonly do public sector workers enjoy a pay premium, the wage gap between publicand private is growing: 公务员不仅享有额外的奖金,公共部门与私营部门的工资差距也在日益扩大。
Afreeze in public sector salaries is a blunt measure, but it's hardly moreextreme than the sacrifices businesses and employees in the private sector havebeen forced to make in the wake of COVID-19. 虽然冻结公共部门薪酬的措施略显强硬,但与私营部门的企业和员工们在新冠疫情爆发后被迫做出的牺牲相比,这真的算不上什么。
Ofcourse, the public sector unions are squealing. But they'd do well to rememberthat not only do they get paid more, they also have a far higher level of jobsecurity than the rest of us. 对此,公共部门的工会当然是激烈抗议。不过,他们应该记住,自己不仅收入更高,稳定性也比我们其他人高得多。
信息来源:The taxpayer update of the New Zealand Union.