Chinese Taxpayers Association



Cooperation Agreement between Korea Taxpayers'Associationand Chinese Taxpayers Association Union


The agreement signed by Korea Taxpayers'AssociationPresident: Sun Taek Kim and Chinese Taxpayers Association Executive Chairman: FenJiangLiu. The purpose of this Agreement is based on the following concerns:

协议由韩国纳税人协会会长Sun Taek Kim与中国纳税人协会执行主席刘凤江签署。本协议的目是基于以下考虑:

l   To avoid Taxpayersshall be impacted and influence in an enhancement of tax rate and modification ofNational Tax regulations by their government;


l   To build alower tax rate society and developing relationship of international cooperationin both organisations effectively;


l   To engagemutually beneficial, co-construction, sharing and cooperation in economicpotential of both countries;


l   To assisttax law, legalization and regulation requirements in while Taxpayers'investment in both countries.


l   To promoteeconomic development of both countries due to mutual assistance and mutualbenefit cooperation between taxpayer organizations of both sides.


The parties hereby bind themselves to undertakecooperation agreement under the following terms and conditions:


1.    Comply theprinciple of mutual respect and non-interference in each othe/s activities. lnorder to develop the national economy of both countries and maintain thepartnership between the two parties and the common interests of taxpayers andtax authorities , working together to achieve common goals in the form of jointcommunication and learning cooperation;


2.    ln orderto complete the taxpayer's organizational goals, the two organizations need tocontinuously enhance the exchange of information, and also both members can gettimely service from the taxpayers association of each party, ensure memberspromptly and forcefully assisted;


3.    Both partiesshall support each other in the civil law, tax law, business operation, etc.,and to protect taxpayers'rights;


4.    Bothparties shall individually or jointly receive invitations to participate in meetingand tax training of the other party and other organizations;


5.    The cooperationbetween the two parties is based on the legislation of both countries tojointly resolve conflicts between taxpayers and tax authorities;


6.    Bothparties strengthen cooperation in providing education to taxpayers is to achievea common projects that have fulfilled the services of joint taxpayers;


7.    Bothparties promise to avoid making actions that may cause irreparable damage tothe other party;


8.    The terms ofthis agreement shall become effective on the date of signature by both parties.lf there is any alteration, both parties must sign and confirm.
